Once upon a time in Poland....

Medical Students trying not to rock the boat.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Elective Links

So there are countless places to do electives, but for the few I know out there floundering around, looking for somewhere to start.....here's a few links to get you started:


King's College:

Royal College of Surgeons:


New York Eligibility Form:

SUNY Downstate Medical Center:

Southern Illinois University School Of Medicine:

Yale University:

Cleveland Clinic:

Mayo Clinic:


PUMS Elective Evaluation Form:

Miscellaneous PUMS Forms:

Enjoy.....don't get too carried away now!!

Ramblings of a tired woman.

Today's ramblings will be just that, random ramblings of a tired woman. enjoy.

Now this may seem like a silly question considering the field I'm running into. Why do terrible things happen to good people? While it seems the people who deserve the sadness, grief and suffering just seem to beat the odds everytime. Maybe its just my vantage point....they say what goes around comes around, but it seems all I see is the going round part.

Have you ever sat and listened to someone talk, yet never really heard a word they said? I did that today in the dialysis unit. 120 minutes of my life slipped away before my very eyes and a doctor with a voice I can only describe as a lullaby sent from heaven (or hell?) to put me straight to sleep. I valiantly stared him in the eye seemingly hanging from his every word ( if nothing else, med school has turned me into a FANTASTIC actress!). Thank God its over. I hope that one day when I'm a docta that I remember the torturous hours spent staring and looking interested and focus my energies on being interesting....or at the very least berate them with questions or scare them a bit by choosing them to demonstrate never-before-heard-of examinations and watch while they scramble to figure out the answer. See what this education is doing for me? Its turning me into a scheming nutcase. Hee hee. Is it sick to admit I like it?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The God Complex

So of late, I've been musing on specialties....specifically surgery. Surgery is possibly the one of the most fascinating specialties with truly talented hands and minds at work everyday. Its really no wonder these people have a penchant for the God complex, they find a problem, they cut you open, they cut out the problem, they sew you up. The field holds absolutely no future for me, the ADD princess who can think of a thousand better places I'd like to be during an 8 hour surgery than standing in an OR, behind a mask, gently shifting from leg to leg hoping I dont forget how to walk cause my legs have officially gone numb.
Having said that, I want to mention a particularly interesting surgery we just saw yesterday that excited me....A 10 year old boy has had several surgeries in the past for Hypospadias (urethral opening on the ventral side of the penis) and subsequently has now developed numerous fistulas (abnormal tracts in the skin) and more seriously, a bent penis. So these ingenious doctors set out to perform "Brocca's" procedure to fix him. Basically, they split his penis up the ventral (bottom) side, cut off all the scar tissue causing the bending, continually inducing artificial erections to monitor the angulation of the penis and then inflated his foreskin, cut a piece off and used it to make a new urethra for him. How crazy is that? Now really, to be able to literally dissect a young man's sacred parts and put them back together again is truly an unparalleled talent. We as students, in our eagerness to get home and sleep, eat or something else that seemed ridiculously important at the time sometimes downplay how crazy the field we're going into really is. We can try to fix you but not to worry, if we cant, we'll just take you apart and put you back together again ok? Now just sign your life away right here on this line......