Once upon a time in Poland....

Medical Students trying not to rock the boat.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh, the love.

So I got a love note the other day....and I thought I'd share it, I've copied it below. If anyone wants a love match, let me know, I'll see what I can do. I just don't think we're compatible. Sad, I know. I just know he'll make some lucky woman (women?) very happy one day.


100% RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100% SATYSFAKCJA!!!!!!!


REZERWACJE: discosbbb@terra.com

Love requires no translation.....


Status post exam. Its been 30 hours since my exam. I've been thinking (not good!) Its funny how we put so much of our self worth into an exam, as though the outcome of it will validate us. It doesnt. Strange feeling...My brain enjoyed the exercise but it needs a vacation.
The books are neatly stacked on a table in my line of sight. I glare at them everytime my head inclines that direction....and I smile. Just the thought that I don't have to open them at least for the next 6 weeks brings such joy to my heart. I wish I could explain it but something tells me I don't have to. I'm happy and calm. I slept last night for 10 hours...and though I've not lost too much of myself studying, I havent been able to do that for the last month. I'm good. So now I begin to enjoy everything and everyone else around me again, looking forward to it. What is it they say? To get to it you must go through it. I'm "basking in the glow of my (hopeful) victory". Oh yeah. Exhale.

Someone buy the Valium for when my envelope comes.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is it odd?

Now, its the night before "the big day".....and I'm in a strange state of calm. I valiantly tried to open a book of 800 questions fully thinking I could nail them all. Well, after 50 I was smiling, 100, I was hungry, after 150, well I got scared off by math and after 200 hundred.....I threw the book on the ground and watched tv to maintain the sanity. Violence against innocent books, what have I come to? SO I jus decided to put the 2 books under my pillow, and hoped for diffusion. The calm remains.