Once upon a time in Poland....

Medical Students trying not to rock the boat.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why can't it be simple?

Ok. why oh why can't things be simple? I got up this mornin feeling ( and looking) like I'd been hit by a truck...everything hurt and my eyes had bags darker than night. Why? I can't explain it. USMLE maybe? From now till december, I'll consider that the blame for any and everything that can and will go wrong. Anyway...back on track. I left our incredibly boring palliative care clinic this afternoon and headed off in search of an xray for my poor little toe....tell me why and how can one person go to 4 different hospitals over 3 days and be shut down everytime? Am I just unlucky? Hospital #1 - Was the lady who was doing absolutely nothing with her time at work besides calculating what I can only assume was the 2007 budget of Poland SO BUSY that she had to stare at us as though we'd just asked her to crap on her desk when she flared her nostrils and said "Only before 12..." and went back to her calculator. Hospital #2 - Why can't I pay for an xray at the hospital that I want to have an xray taken at? I'll tell you why...cause the xray tech probably needed to have her nails done and my showing up with a possibly broken appendage was just making her late I guess. My bad. Hospital #3 - What? I injured myself too long ago to be seen by your Urgent Care physician? I'm sorry..... I'll jus go ram it into a door and bruise it up a bit more for you. ....I'm done. I'm just a wee bit irritated and my toe hurts. Ah well. I must go read about some incredibly important doctor stuff like Morphine and Bed Sores and stuff.
P.S. - Don't be mislead.....it's been an amusingly useless day and I'm still smiling! It's either laugh or cry. oooh, my bed looks good...oooh, its only 9:00.


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